Conditional Rendering

Vue Test Utils has a range of features for rendering and making assertions about the state of a component, with the goal of verifying it is behaving correctly. This article will explore how to render components, as well as verify they are rendering content correctly.

This article is also available as a short video.

Finding Elements

One of the most basic features of Vue is the ability to dynamically insert and remove elements with v-if. Let's look at how to test a component that uses v-if.

const Nav = {
  template: `
      <a id="profile" href="/profile">My Profile</a>
      <a v-if="admin" id="admin" href="/admin">Admin</a>
  data() {
    return {
      admin: false

In the <Nav> component, a link to the user's profile is shown. In addition, if the admin value is true, we reveal a link to the admin section. There are three scenarios which we should verify are behaving correctly:

  1. The /profile link should be shown.
  2. When the user is an admin, the /admin link should be shown.
  3. When the user is not an admin, the /admin link should not be shown.

Using get()

wrapper has a get() method that searches for an existing element. It uses querySelector syntax.

We can assert the profile link content by using get():

test('renders a profile link', () => {
  const wrapper = mount(Nav)

  // Here we are implicitly asserting that the
  // element #profile exists.
  const profileLink = wrapper.get('#profile')

  expect(profileLink.text()).toEqual('My Profile')

If get() does not return an element matching the selector, it will raise an error, and your test will fail. get() returns a DOMWrapper if an element is found. A DOMWrapper is a thin wrapper around the DOM element that implements the Wrapper API - that's why we are able to do profileLink.text() and access the text. You can access the raw element using the element property.

There is another type of wrapper - a VueWrapper - that is returned from getComponent that works in the same manner.

Using find() and exists()

get() works on the assumption that elements do exist and throws an error when they do not. It is not recommended to use it for asserting existence.

To do so, we use find() and exists(). The next test asserts that if admin is false (which it is by default), the admin link is not present:

test('does not render an admin link', () => {
  const wrapper = mount(Nav)

  // Using `wrapper.get` would throw and make the test fail.

Notice we are calling exists() on the value returned from .find(). find(), like mount(), also returns a wrapper. mount() has a few extra methods, because it's wrapping a Vue component, and find() only returns a regular DOM node, but many of the methods are shared between both. Some other methods include classes(), which gets the classes a DOM node has, and trigger() for simulating user interaction. You can find a list of methods supported here.

Using data

The final test is to assert that the admin link is rendered when admin is true. It's false by default, but we can override that using the second argument to mount(), the mounting options.

For data, we use the aptly named data option:

test('renders an admin link', () => {
  const wrapper = mount(Nav, {
    data() {
      return {
        admin: true

  // Again, by using `get()` we are implicitly asserting that
  // the element exists.

If you have other properties in data, don't worry - Vue Test Utils will merge the two together. The data in the mounting options will take priority over any default values.

To learn what other mounting options exist, see Passing Data or see mounting options.

Checking Elements visibility

Sometimes you only want to hide/show an element while keeping it in the DOM. Vue offers v-show for scenarios as such. (You can check the differences between v-if and v-show here).

This is how a component with v-show looks like:

const Nav = {
  template: `
      <a id="user" href="/profile">My Profile</a>
      <ul v-show="shouldShowDropdown" id="user-dropdown">
        <!-- dropdown content -->
  data() {
    return {
      shouldShowDropdown: false

In this scenario, the element is not visible but always rendered. get() or find() will always return a Wrapperfind() with .exists() always return true – because the element is still in the DOM.

Using isVisible()

isVisible() gives the capacity to check for hidden elements. In particular isVisible() will check if:

  • an element or its ancestors have display: none, visibility: hidden, opacity :0 style
  • an element or its ancestors are located inside collapsed <details> tag
  • an element or its ancestors have the hidden attribute

For any of these cases, isVisible() returns false.

Testing scenarios using v-show will look like:

test('does not show the user dropdown', () => {
  const wrapper = mount(Nav)



  • Use find() along with exists() to verify whether an element is in the DOM.
  • Use get() if you expect the element to be in the DOM.
  • The data mounting option can be used to set default values on a component.
  • Use get() with isVisible() to verify the visibility of an element that is in the DOM